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Although the first six letters of “professor” makes it clear, the central duty of a professor is often misunderstood or forgotten. Professors are those with a distinctive point of view which, as experts in the field, are qualified to advocate for, argue, and teach. In other words, a professor is one who professes. In this blog, we openly express our own positions on issues in ethics, religious studies, and philosophy—our areas of expertise.

Living Our Values
Posted on July 1, 2024 by Joel Heim0 comments 

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As human beings, we all have a set of core values that guide our thoughts, decisions, and actions. These values are deeply ingrained and shaped by our upbringing, culture, and life experiences. However, have you ever stopped to critically examine your values and evaluate whether you live consistently with them? In today's fast-paced and ever-changing world, getting caught up in the daily grind and losing sight of our ethics is easy. The brief video above raised the issues, but in this blog post, we will go deeper and explore the importance of critically examining one's values and how to live consistently with them. Below, you will find some simple steps to follow.

Why is it important to examine one's values?

Ethics serve as a moral compass, guiding us toward what we believe is right and wrong. They define who we are and what we stand for. However, as we grow and evolve, so do our values. What we believed a few years ago may not align with our current beliefs. Hence, it is crucial to examine our ethics periodically to ensure they are still in line with our current beliefs and principles. Failure to do so can lead to a disconnect between our actions and values, causing inner conflict and dissatisfaction.

How to critically examine your values?

1. Identify your values: The first step in critically examining your values is to identify them. Take some time to reflect on what is important to you. Think about your beliefs, principles, and what motivates you.

2. Question your ethics: Once you have identified your vethics, ask yourself why they are important to you. Dig deep and question whether these values were instilled in you by others or if they truly resonate with you.

Thinking Critically

3. Evaluate your actions: Reflect on your actions and behaviors. Do they align with your values? Are you living consistently with them? If not, ask yourself why and what changes you can make to align your actions with your values.

4. Seek feedback: Sometimes, our actions may not align with our values, and we may not realize it. Seeking input from trusted friends, family members, or a therapist can provide valuable insights and help us identify areas where we can improve.

5. Be open to change: Our ethics may change as we grow and evolve. It is essential to be open to change and adapt our values accordingly. Embrace new perspectives and experiences that may challenge your existing beliefs and values.

Living Consistent With Values

1. Be intentional: Once you have critically examined your ethics, be intentional about living consistently with them. Make a conscious effort to align your actions with your values.

2. Set boundaries: Setting boundaries is crucial in living consistently with your values. This means saying no to things not aligning with your values and prioritizing what is important to you.

3. Practice self-awareness: Being self-aware allows us to recognize when our actions do not align with our ethics. Take a few moments each day to reflect on your thoughts, emotions, and actions.

4. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals: It is essential to surround yourself with people who share similar ethics. This will create a supportive and encouraging environment that will help you stay true to your values.

5. Embrace imperfections: Living consistently with your values does not mean perfection. Embrace your imperfections and be kind to yourself when you make mistakes. What matters is acknowledging and learning from them.


In conclusion, critically examining and living consistently with our ethics is an ongoing process. It requires self-reflection, introspection, and a willingness to change. However, the rewards are immense – a sense of purpose, inner peace, and living a fulfilling life in alignment with our beliefs and principles. So, take some time to examine your values today and make a conscious effort to live consistently with them. Remember, your values define who you are, and living in accordance with them will lead to a happier and more authentic life.

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